Why Network Marketers and Business People Always Talk About Not Having a Job
You see it on your Facebook newsfeed. You see it in blogs posts such
as this. You see it in articles, forum posts, group discussions. You get
to hear from all the entrepreneurs who did it big, and aspiring
networkers, as they build their own home-based business.
It gets to the point where you feel you got the short end of the stick
or actually doing something WRONG by working job, for being an employee
for someone. Those who actually work a job become insulted, offended,
and even put off by the person(s) that talk about how having a job is
the fastest ticket to NO WHERE.
You know the famous initials. Just. Over. Broke. But you just don’t understand.
I Quit. The best 2 words ever spoken to your boss.
I thought in my career in insurance, I would eventually be a boss, and boss people around. ‘Cause I’m bossy. Deep down I wanted more BUT I was complacent with a job. It’s a guaranteed check! I was introduced to the network marketing bug early on but didn’t quite get it. I won’t bore you with the details, but I failed and failed and failed again. Then I hit success in my business.
I saw my checks go up to the four figures a month, watched my team grow into the thousands. And the crazy thing was, I worked my butt off for an entire year, but when my business exploded, I didn’t do a LOT of work! But checks just KEPT GOING UP! Now that, my friend is the power of residual income. Once you got a piece of that freedom, you didn’t want to lose it!
So then, you see the business owners, independent contractors, all of us get EXCITED! We worked umpteen YEARS at ABC company in a cubicle but now we call the shots and we are paid much MORE, the skis the limit. Then you start seeing the comments…that pretty much seem anti-job.
But I’m telling you! You see the comments it because WE’VE BEEN THERE. Once you see the income that can be made working from home…and being able to wake up when you want, (except if you have kids like I do), be able to take calls, run your errands, travel, set your OWN hours, head to the bathroom without asking permission, meet new people you WANT to work with…there is NOTHING LIKE IT.
But people at jobs who have a closed mind don’t see the blood sweat and tears we have to go through to get there! Most folks with jobs think we just get into business, wake up, successful and that it came easy. NO! We have to go through:
- Sacrificing normal activities we enjoy at first
- Working LONGER hours…up to 16 hours sometimes!
- Missing time with family
- Disciplining ourselves and having to do what most won’t
- Constant rejection
- The phone attached to our cheek and ear
- Working hard until…
- Going through obstacles
- Dealing with haters who really think you do nothing all day
- Getting up and doing it all over again with no GUARANTEE of getting paid!
Contrary to what you believe, we don’t necessarily knock a job. Because in tough times, most have to do what they have to, to support their families. But those who keep and open mind and want to make THEIR dreams come true and not someone else’s, will have a light bulb go off, and you too will see the difference of being your own boss and being bossed by one.
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