Keisha Monique Speaks - My Feelings on Network Marketing


I'll give you the short version of my long story. lol I had my first MLM 'bug' when I was working for corporate...I have always been kind of bossy, and knew that whatever I was doing I was going to be leading. My first job was at Burger King straight out of high school. But while there for the 2.5 years, every time I got paid, I was building up my 'corporate career' wardrobe. Because I already KNEW I wasn't going to be there forever.

And 2.5years later, I landed my first temp job, which led me into a permanent position . A brand new career in insurance; specialized in Auto Underwriting & Claims/Homeowners Claims. While there, I wanted to get all these credentials under my belt so I was marketable. So it was easier to promote; so I could slide into higher paid positions and eventually management.  

I joined Toastmasters not as just a member, but as Vice President of Education;  started taking insurance courses, started to volunteer with United Way, volunteering if they needed me for overtime; volunteered to expand my job description, job know, the whole nine. One thing though in corporate though....if I saw shenanigans, it didn't sit well with me and I made it known...professionally of which management didn't like too much. They wanted you to shut up. Do your job...let them love on the slackers that were skating through and kissing ass every day...and if you went against that, they were against you. So...despite all the things I was doing RIGHT, I was not being recognized. I was being passed up for promotions. I kept it moving. I shut up. And did my thing and finally got promoted.

But I STILL wasn't satisfied. And started doing research on ways to make money online. FreeLife was my first MLM...though I didn't take it seriously. That lasted like...a blink.  And I was spending money on programs that showed how to make more money but I was spending more money instead of it building my bank account...and put our household in a I had to STAY at my J.O.B.

My career ended when we got orders to Germany (I was a military spouse back then)...and after the first 3yrs, I couldn't find a job. I wanted to contribute to the household. I wanted to go shopping dammit. All this sacrificing b/c of one income did NOT make me happy. So I started my first MLM, Melaleuca (are you stil not allowed to say their name? LOL)..and the rest is history.

I recently  had a brief talk with my sponsor and a close friend. Success does not come easy. You hear the saying, if it was that easy, everyone would do it. Too many talk about wanting better, wanting change, wanting financial freedom, less struggle, but when it comes down to getting to the nitty gritty, actually DOING the things to MAKE those changes, most fall back. Some fight for a while and then quit when it doesn't happen fast enough...some just are complacent with their current situation and not tired enough to do something about it. Some just talk to appease you.

I have been in the industry for a very long time and it came with success but it also comes with failures. I truly believe that without failure you don't fully know your also shows us about we react AFTER the failure.

This business is in me to my core...even when I get everything from 'you're too soft for this industry' to 'take your skills and get a REAL job' to skepticism and rejection to downright crickets.
But I've been down the road of success and see what has done for me and my family. I've seen the difference of working for someone else vs working for myself. It is not EASY. Only the strong survive, only the ones who REALLY get tired of saying it, and really DOING it get to where they want. 

It's rewarding, you build awesome relationships for life, get to travel, can wake up when done sleeping. Beat to your own drum and not the boss's. If you have a passion/nonprofit/store front you want to open, you can do the things we want to do without stress. The feeling, the rewards, and the people it helps outweigh the sweat and tears and discipline and bad days we have to put forth...bc at the end its worth it. And those are the kind of people I'm looking for in my business. Contrary to belief, I don't want everyone. Just those that want to go as hard as I do. This is why I don't quit this industry. Its a beautiful thing when you reach that goal you set for yourself.

Til Next Time!

"Laziness and procrastination kills success and progress." Russell Adams

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