The Mini Entrepreneur - Like Mother Like Son...Sorta
He gets it from his mama...sorta.
My son took initiative and went around the neighborhood to ask neighbors (complete strangers to him) to purchase goods for his school fundraiser.
Remember when WE did it? In the 90s? We got what we thought was good back in the day...but today's kids get stuff that REALLY gets them motivated to do the tedious task of going door-to-door. In California heat. At 4pm. son came home with ZERO, NADA, ZILCH orders after being out about an hour. He stumbles in and with the look of defeat and says "I'm discouraged." I asked him why. He said, "Either they aren't home or they're saying no."
I took this as an opportunity to remind him of what I go through on a daily basis. The people not home in MY world are:
The ones saying no are either saying 'not right now' or they are saying NO, OR they are trying to pitch me into THEIR deal instead.
I also reminded him way back when...when I made tons of travel flyers for a travel party I was attempting to host. I did a lot of online marketing, and I wanted to get good at belly-to-belly, face-to-face. So. I was told that Walmart ALWAYS has people coming in and out. So, we went on to Walmart, in the smoldering heat in ATL, July/Aug of 2007. I told the kids to sit on the bench...I attempted to hand out flyers. Admittedly I didn't try hard, but blamed it on the darkening skies and rain. So we started to drive home and it cleared up.
Then I remembered I was told, THE MALL. The mall ALWAYS has people coming in and out.
So on we went to the mall. I stood outside the entrance asking people to take a flyer. I was getting
Fifteen minutes was all I needed when I gave up. I scooped the kids up, rushed to the car and as soon as we settled inside, I broke down.
Like a baby.
In front of my kids.
I couldn't do it. It was so hard in my eyes. And my son, who, at the time was only 6 YEARS OLD. Wise since birth. Said to me.
"Mom, don't cry. If they don't want to take your flyer, it just means they really don't want to make any money!"
He made my day.
Fast forward, today, age 13 years old. Sitting in front of me with the look of defeat, while I explain what I go through in the industry. I told him that hearing no, does not stop the party. It's part of the process.
After relaxing (and probably cooling down) he decided, WITH enthusiasm, to go back out again. His cousin went to support him. I made sure he exuded confidence, as that's a factor. I listened to his spiel. He was ready to go, and didn't come back until it was almost dark.
He arrived with GREAT NEWS. He had SIX ORDERS. SIX!! I didn't even hit up my 'family and friends'. He went totally 'cold market' and got SIX ORDERS! And he said he's not done, he's going back out tomorrow!
He went the extra step I DIDN'T take that day in 2007, but he's learned a lot. And I think that lil guy is gonna be mama's helper really REALLY soon! I'm proud of him. I may even go ahead and let him have Instagram he's been asking about.
He is now practice-pitching me with his cousin, and he's got charm. And is hilarious. I see him doing a lot more. He's so witty, I love it. I wish I was recording this right now. Oh he's doing most...someone come get this boy.
OH yeah...and my shameless plug. If you are INTERESTED in helping him make a goal to get a bigger and better prize, please contact me and I will help you place an order for him :) :)
Like mother, like son. :) :)
Til next time!
Keisha Monique Official
My son took initiative and went around the neighborhood to ask neighbors (complete strangers to him) to purchase goods for his school fundraiser.
Remember when WE did it? In the 90s? We got what we thought was good back in the day...but today's kids get stuff that REALLY gets them motivated to do the tedious task of going door-to-door. In California heat. At 4pm. son came home with ZERO, NADA, ZILCH orders after being out about an hour. He stumbles in and with the look of defeat and says "I'm discouraged." I asked him why. He said, "Either they aren't home or they're saying no."
I took this as an opportunity to remind him of what I go through on a daily basis. The people not home in MY world are:
- Folks not answering their phones after they tell me to call them at a certain time.
- Following up and getting ignored...especially on Facebook (FB tells on you now when someone sees your message)
- Folks saying they PROMISE to show up at a meeting and are a NO-SHOW. NO-CALL. NO-GO.

I also reminded him way back when...when I made tons of travel flyers for a travel party I was attempting to host. I did a lot of online marketing, and I wanted to get good at belly-to-belly, face-to-face. So. I was told that Walmart ALWAYS has people coming in and out. So, we went on to Walmart, in the smoldering heat in ATL, July/Aug of 2007. I told the kids to sit on the bench...I attempted to hand out flyers. Admittedly I didn't try hard, but blamed it on the darkening skies and rain. So we started to drive home and it cleared up.
Then I remembered I was told, THE MALL. The mall ALWAYS has people coming in and out.
So on we went to the mall. I stood outside the entrance asking people to take a flyer. I was getting
- No
- Not interested
- No thanks
- Leave me alone
- And being COMPLETELY ignored.
Fifteen minutes was all I needed when I gave up. I scooped the kids up, rushed to the car and as soon as we settled inside, I broke down.
Like a baby.
In front of my kids.
I couldn't do it. It was so hard in my eyes. And my son, who, at the time was only 6 YEARS OLD. Wise since birth. Said to me.
"Mom, don't cry. If they don't want to take your flyer, it just means they really don't want to make any money!"
He made my day.
Fast forward, today, age 13 years old. Sitting in front of me with the look of defeat, while I explain what I go through in the industry. I told him that hearing no, does not stop the party. It's part of the process.
After relaxing (and probably cooling down) he decided, WITH enthusiasm, to go back out again. His cousin went to support him. I made sure he exuded confidence, as that's a factor. I listened to his spiel. He was ready to go, and didn't come back until it was almost dark.
He arrived with GREAT NEWS. He had SIX ORDERS. SIX!! I didn't even hit up my 'family and friends'. He went totally 'cold market' and got SIX ORDERS! And he said he's not done, he's going back out tomorrow!
He went the extra step I DIDN'T take that day in 2007, but he's learned a lot. And I think that lil guy is gonna be mama's helper really REALLY soon! I'm proud of him. I may even go ahead and let him have Instagram he's been asking about.
He is now practice-pitching me with his cousin, and he's got charm. And is hilarious. I see him doing a lot more. He's so witty, I love it. I wish I was recording this right now. Oh he's doing most...someone come get this boy.
OH yeah...and my shameless plug. If you are INTERESTED in helping him make a goal to get a bigger and better prize, please contact me and I will help you place an order for him :) :)
Like mother, like son. :) :)
Til next time!
Keisha Monique Official