Find That Thing That Makes You Tick and USE IT To Motivate You

Find That THING That Makes You Tick 

 What gets you going? When you wake up every morning, what motivates you to get up, and start your day? Do you ever have 'down' moments where you feel like 'Man, Keisha, XYZ is getting me through...if it wasn't for XYZ, I don't know if I could have done it' Or you need that something to feed your mind, that thing to stimulate kind of light that fire under your ass to get you moving! We all need it. I need it. And we need it daily.

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.” ~ Zig Ziglar

We NEED it. Whether an encouraging word from your child, significant other, or during your personal development time - someone you follow for inspiration - we need to feed our minds with things that will move us to action. It does start with us, but an extra push never hurt anybody.

Use It to Motivate You
What's your thing? See the video to see mine.

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