99 Problems But an MLM Junkie Ain't One [VIDEO]
99 Problems But an MLM Junkie Ain't One
So a couple days ago, my girl posed a really good question in a business group I belong to, for entrepreneurs.
The question was (I'm paraphrasing) Would allow someone who has been in a gazillion 10+ businesses in one year to join YOUR business?
We all know people that do so, and you may be reading this and one yourself. Now, I'm not judging one who does that because everyone has their reasons. But we also have preferences, and I choose NOT to.
I love everyone who strives to make it in business. Entrepreneurship is no joke! It's risky but network marketing or the business I work, allows you to explore without too much risk. But I prefer someone who wants to focus. My story and I'm stickin to it. :)
Your girl,
KeishaMonique Official
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