TELEX-FREE Files For Bankruptcy So Here Comes The Vultures!

TelexFREE Files For Bankruptcy..Now Here Comes The Vultures! 

Mmmhmm yeah I said it!

*DISCLAIMER* Before you put your defenses up, read the whole blog to understand my angle.

I was shocked when I woke up and on my Facebook newsfeed saw that TelexFree filed for bankruptcy.
My heart skipped a beat because one, I know a couple people personally in that business. Two, because one of my friends knows someone that was making 5-figures a month with that company and excited.

But it made my heart heavy because I have experienced first hand, what its like to believe in a product and/or service, go hard, make a living, focus on THAT thing...and then beyond your control, and without your knowledge...the company shuts down and you are left to scramble. NO one can begin to imagine what someone in the company is going through, until you've walked in their shoes.

To those on the outside looking alll up IN their grill right now...


One thing I learned about that experience is just HOW UNprofessional some of these so called 'gurus' and 'humble leaders' and their followers become.  There is no compassion. All of a sudden there's a 'rescue' plan. All of a sudden those people who were making a living with Telex FREE company are gonna be dumb. Accused of being a sucker, being born every day.

Then the MLM haters come out of the woodwork too. Instead of minding their own and doing their thing they have their perfect 'I told you so' speech READY, boy! They are soooo EXCITED to just show how MLM is such a SCAM and it's the person's fault for even working that company. They just can't contain themselves. Sad.

Then the MLMers who FAKE care, JUST so they can get another sign up.
Oh hey Sally. I have not said a word to you since you never joined my company. Been at least a year or 5. But I see your company went down, how are you girl? Are you okay-anyway, here's my link! Join so you can get RRIIGHT back on your feet in NO time! Forget that I never stayed in touch, didn't really give a damn about you, and secretly wished you failed. But we got your BACK Sally, we will take care of you...'

Please! Go somewhere with that people! REALLY?!? And really take a moment to actually READ what happened and not just see the title and run with it.  Click here for the full article on TelexFree Filing Bankruptcy

Some of ya'll won't feel me on this because you are one of the ones I'm talking about. You don't have any interest in the people who have might lose big..or it never happened to you...yet. People can say a lot of things and talk a lot of smack, until it happens to them.

Being on the end of one who lost a 5 figure income practically OVERNIGHT, with that being my SOLE source of livelihood for my family, its a LOT to deal with and have to react to in a short amount of time. And the last thing we want is people shoving business opportunities down our throats, and not being sensitive to the situation.

Do you realize, that those who have this income as their ONLY income, NOW have to make quick arrangements? The bills don't stop. People need to eat. Family obligations don't end.  Not only that, the mental and emotional IMPACT it takes on people who are in THIS particular situation can vary. Some people bounce right back (and just MAY join your business), while others go into deep depression..or worse. Some leave MLM altogether.

Then HERE COME the insensitive jerks, that say Oh! You just lost it all, come join me! When this happened to me, yes I was trying to figure out what to do next. But my IMMEDIATE thought WAS NOT...OH boy, my company shut down! Okay let me call vulture Random Randy and tell him I'm going to join HIS business...never mind I don't even LIKE the product or service, but yeah I need money so that's what I'm gonna do!  Of COURSE this does not apply to everyone! Those who are top earners etc...with a following can just flock to the next thing with no trip ups. That happens, and its normal!!!

NO. We are trying to make arrangements. We are looking at what we can keep and what needs to go. Cable, goodbye, Netflix it is. No more landline, just our cell phone,... crap our cell phone...lets see if we can get a cheaper plan.....Daycare bill is coming, gonna see if Sitter Stacey can take them next month for cheaper...Gotta start getting groceries and cut down on eating out from 5 days a week to 2...or not at all. I have to tell Johnny the bad news about his tuition...How much money is in the bank, how long can we survive before the struggle really begins? We are talking to people we already know and trust about a possible other business, and want to make sure we have the funds to pay for it.

Again READ the FULL article to understand what's REALLY going on. TelexFree Files Bankruptcy 


You have the 'statements' from these leaders who say:
  • You're not really a leader if you are in more than one deal.
  • You need to FOCUS.
  • It doesn't make sense to earn pennies from many when you can earn dollars doing ONE thing. 
  • Stay where you are, so your efforts don't go in vain.
  • FOCUS acronym (basically do one thing til successful then add another),etc..
Then SHAME people when they lose it and that's all they have..don't we hear the 'shoulda coulda had another stream' crap? I heard it all day everyday when it happened to me.

Then there's the rebuttal:
  • It's OKAY to have more than one stream of income. 
  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
  • You aren't smart if you don't have more than one stream coming in.
  • Real leaders have more than one stream, having their money work for them.

Then SHAME  people when they do work more than one, accusing them of being unfocused. SMDH have a huge amount of new people in the business looking at these leaders for guidance. So you have some that only focus on one...and God forbid in a company that folds...then the others have multiple things...and looked down upon as not focused, no credibility.

Who's even RIGHT??

Look I'm not expecting everyone to jump on the okay bandwagon..I just wanted to shed light to this whole hypocrisy, the pettiness, in this industry. And to those networkers looking to increase their checks by preying, YES PREYING on people's vulnerability,  look beyond your next payday, and actually give a rats ass about what some of these people may endure BEFORE you come at them with your pitch. And you never know! When they are ready they JUST MAY JOIN YOU! What?

And if there are any TELEXFREE reps that do make it to this blog and read this...just know that I KNOW how it feels, I've been there. No shameless plug, no JOIN ME crap, just lil ole me in your corner and that I pray that you recover in whatever way is best for you EVEN IF that means you DO find another business opportunity! One networker supporting another.  Much success and this just a setback preparing you for a MAJOR comeback!

One of my biz colleagues asked if I saw the new news on TelexFREE Filing for Bankruptcy...I went to do my research and found an article by OMG Forbes magazine. Read the article yourself:

TeleFREE A Ponzi Scheme? Wow!! Yeah I feel a little bit of deja vu...but I still maintain, that those who thought they joined a business making an honest living are still going to be hurting...I would definitely encourage I have done MYSELF, to do research on illegal pyramid schemes and ponzi that we are better educated and equipped to see the signs when an opportunity is brought forth. Regulators are not playing around these days!

Till next time!

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