[VLOG] You Are Only Alone When You Isolate Yourself - Don't Do It!

I made this video earlier this month...as part of my self-reflection - if you haven't seen the video on that yet watch it here - I was addressing some of my shortcomings...sometimes when we dig deep, we aren't ready to hear the truth about us...but in doing that we set ourselves free from bondage, stop the never ending cycle, better ourselves and then go out in the world at our fullest potential.

But first we have to be REAL with OURSELVES before we can expect others to be real with us...don't get it twisted, this is not saying we are to take disrespect, but we MUST love on ourselves, and continue to improve to be who God made us to be.

That being said, one of my shortcomings is isolation. I'm not completely out of that...but I work very VERY hard NOT to do it...it doesn't do any good. My own SON, who at the time was 9yrs old, told me this.

Please watch this video...and please comment, share or like...but DEFINITELY share with someone you think could use this. Nothin fancy, just me speaking from the heart. Hope this resonates and trust, I'm taking my own advice. <3

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for taking the time Celeste! Have a blessed day :)
