Keisha Monique Official Is In The Building

Keisha Monique Official Is In The Building

I know I sound all extra important right? Well I think I am. Ha.

Well for those who have followed me before, know and love me, you MIGHT be thinking, where the hell you BEEN Keisha Monique OFFICIAL? Being that you're all OFFICIAL and stuff....

In a nutshell. I moved to Cali with my children. Stepped up as a mama. I left network marketing. I went back to school. I took a much needed break from most things online. Connected with new people. Focused on my positive vitamins.  Enjoyed the beach life. Searched myself,  and assessed myself.
Reflected on my mistakes, how I got to where I was, what I'm going to do with my life, the whole shabang. Dealt with ME.

I guess you could call it my midlife crisis.

I've been through a lot over the past couple years and even though times were really rough, I am a lot better off than I was a bit ago. I'm not ALL the way there, but I'm working on it.

I miss being a business woman. I miss networking, and meeting new people. I miss using my creativity to do big things. Residual income, new lifetime friends, traveling, I miss all of it. So...I'm slowly working my way back.

This won't be an extra long post...I just want people to know that I have got my mojo back. Back in the trenches. Working in the background. But I'm I'm going to upload all this stuff that has been piling up...and as always, hopes it resonates. And I get to be all on your social networks and bugging the heck outta you!

I'm back though ya'll!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

If you don't know who Keisha Monique Official will soon enough. I ain't nobody special but God's girl, but you will know 'bout me. Betta ask somebody! <3

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