[VIDEO] You Won't Change Unless YOU Want to Change - [Day 6 of 90 Day Blitz]

No one can change anyone. It always starts with you.

Are you resistant to change? Do you have strongholds you are trying to get rid of but can't because you refuse to change?

Are you in a relationship trying to save him/her because you want them to change, but THEY won't?

Do you quit business because it requires stepping out of your comfort box...and its too much CHANGE for you?

We are never to stay where we are at...change is to grow, to excel, to realize our full potential. But you can't do that unless you're honest with yourself, you stop your bad habits, and allow yourself to go through the changes that's necessary to get where you want to be in life.

I'm gonna be bold right now and say, IF the shoe fits:

  • Stop being complacent and a procrastinator.
  • Stop making lame excuses if you don't to change your situation. Just say no.
  • Stop lying to yourself.
  • Stop resisting change, rather EMBRACE it.
  • Stop pointing fingers
  • Stop being lazy and sit around waiting for miracles. Change will happen if you take action.
  • Stop trying to change him or her. It's not gonna happen unless they do it themselves.

My video touches on that.

And guess what? I'm almost a WEEK in! 82 more videos! Woot woot!

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