[VIDEO] Don't Be Scared. Be Transparent. Pieces of Me [Day 5 of 90 Day Blitz]


We are not robots. We are real, living and breathing human beings. Unfortunately the world is conditioning us to behave like robots.

  • Acting fake
  • Looking fake
  • Being flawless
  • Putting up this big charade for likes.
  • Following the followers

Some people are afraid to be who they are...because who they are is not what they want others to see. But that's not YOU...RIGHT?!?

The list goes on. Who are you?

Well tonight, you get a glimpse of who I am. Getting bits and pieces of me...and more over the next....85 days. OMG. lol

I challenge you...don't be scared...be transparent. You will attract people who like REAL people...not robots.

Watch my video below:

**EXTRA SOMETHIN SOMETHIN. I included a song I LOVE by Ledisi (my background song) along with the lyrics for your enjoyment and something you can relate to. I thought it was fitting with this vid. Enjoy.

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