It's Easier to Get a Customer Than a Distributor

Just the other day, was looking at my business. And then looking at the grand scheme of business in the MLM world.

I came to this conclusion while talking with another teammate:
Customers need to drive the company. Really it makes no sense to offer a product/service for distributors lol. Its supposed to be for reps to 'distribute' to CUSTOMERS. And customers should not be obligated paying monthly for something they want. 
Thats why there is so much attrition. That word should not exist if the customers loves and repeat buys at their own will.

For years there has always been this debate...and where FTC is concerned, a VERY big deal.

Fast forward to 2014. The truth is the truth. People in MLM, especially the die-hards, will not admit this because they are making big bucks in the business. But it should be said, that those who are making 6 and 7 figures per month or per year; I can GUARANTEE do NOT have A LOT of people in their organizations of  THOUSANDS, duplicating.
  • We can blame it on the rep, for lack of whatever it is
  • We can blame it on the compensation plan
  • We can blame it on the company itself.
 But I read something today my awesome, humble upline, Robert Blackman said.

He addressed the ELEPHANT in the room. Read the rest...

"I know that will ruffle some feathers.

But, it's the truth.

My evidence comes from 34 years of marketing within the Network Marketing profession.

Here's just a few reasons why:

- Customers don't have to spend $500+ get started

- Customers don't have to make a mental commitment to their sponsor, their spouse or themselves.

- Customers see the product or service as a SOLUTION to their current problem...not a long term business venture.

- Customers don't have to learn any new skill sets...they just take or use it and go about their regular business.

- Customers aren't usually interested in starting a business "right now" or making any extra money. They are usually happy within their routine of life and are happy to TRY a product or service to help solve their problems.

- Customers don't care what the comp plan is.

- Customers don't care what the system is.

- Customers don't care who your upline is.

- Customers don't have an income goal in mind, they are just going to TRY it for you.

I'm working with a company that has 400 customers for every 1 distributor.

That's a 400 to 1 ratio.

400 customers
1 rep

Seems crazy when you look at it and I didn't believe it when I first saw it."

AIN'T THAT SOMETHIN'? Keep reading...

"I have found this concept of gathering customers not only easier for me, but for my team as well.

Most of my teams are not 34 year veterans like myself.

Most of my teams don't have a huge list of "hungry reps" standing by in the shadows ready to join the next deal they hear from them.

Most of my teams are just regular people, just like you, who want to get ahead in life and take care of the simple things in life like paying their bills on time and having some "FUN MONEY" at the end of every month.

Most of my teams are not expert CLOSERS.

Most of my teams get discouraged if they haven't signed up any other distributors in their first 30,60 or 90 days to help them secure their investment back...and to insure they made a wise choice.

Most of my teams who haven't sponsored a new distributor in 90 days start to say these things to themselves:
  • "I knew I shouldn't of joined, I'm not good at sales."
  • "Nobody I talk to will join, I must be doing something wrong"
  • "My husband/wife is going to kill me for maxing out another credit card"
  • "I've talked to everybody I know and nobody has joined. I might as well quit and try and get my starter kit money back"
Ever said those things?

I have.

My teams have for 34 years.

Not anymore.

Now, I focus on getting customers.

Almost 100% of my team has gotten a customer in their first 30 days.

They get EXCITED over customers.


Because our customers spend on average $900 a year and we make on average $225 per year per customer.

What do you normally make from a distributor per year?


$100 a month x 12 months = $1,200

$1,200 x 5% commission = $60 

But, you have to consider that the "average" distributor in most direct sales companies don't stay on autoship for a year.

It's really about six months.

That that $60 quickly turns into $30.

Now, it's $225 vs. $30

All customer driven.

You can make $5,000 a month without one rep in your downline.

That got me excited!

Focus on customers in your program.
Find a way to get your team to get some "love" their first 30-90 days with customers."

AIN'T THAT SOMETHIN'? I read that, and hope you got the same...we saw TEAM and CUSTOMER. Teams and customer...that in ITSELF should make the light bulb go off.
A handful of people in a team getting a WHOLE LOT of CUSTOMERS (you saw the ratio right?) Okay moving right along...

"Have a sample program going.
Have a "free trial" program going.

Find a way for them to distribute their $500 to $1,000 starter kit back into the marketplace so they can see their investment back in 90 days or less.

That's how you keep a team growing and happy.

That's how you keep a team from getting discouraged and quitting."

I think Robert Blackman was up to something when he broke all that down. And this is why I partnered with him  and this program.

This program doesn't force the customer, doesn't have any expectations..b/c the customers still do whatever the heck they want.

So let me read this, and I know I wanted to sign up right away...and I a customer first...then saw the big picture. You can too by clicking here to see more.

Til Next time,

Keisha Monique Official.

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