[VIDEO] Get Revenge With Love and Staying Positive [Day 1 of 90 Day Blitz]

Have you ever been attacked because someone didn't get your message? Or they just have a negative disposition about them?  Unfortunately we can't avoid these people in life. We all are attacked at some point.

When attacked we immediately initiate the 'Fight or Flight' response. Its human nature...

But we are grown now. We can CHANGE the outcome of situations by how we REACT to them.

Imagine if more people were positive in their responses, slower to anger when confronted? It would make this world a MUCH better place.

Unfortunately some of us are 'hot heads' and no patience. So this is a bit of self-development on our parts. 

When attacked, get revenge with LOVE and staying POSITIVE, rather than anger and 'get-back' mode. It's definitely being real with ourselves about our actions and how that portrays us.

Anyway, take a look at the video. Like, share, comment...this will help SOMEbody.

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