[VIDEO] Don't Jump To Conclusions - BAD JuJu - [Day 4 of 90 Day Blitz]

Jumping to Conclusions is bad juju.

For real. I'm guilty of it.

Man...I needed to get this video out, and I pushed through with a horrible headache, dozing off  and barely any energy left. Its past midnight.  I have NO excuses because my daughter effortlessly created 8 doggy videos in a day. She's 10.  So what's my excuse? lol

ANNNYway, back on topic.

We are ALL guilty of this...we like to come to our own conclusions before hearing the full story because for some reason, we think we're always right.  I have learned in my 37yrs...jumping to conclusions is BAD. Bad bad BAD. Too many unnecessary things happen like a domino effect.

We can prevent it by LISTENING MORE...and exhausting every option and asking questions FIRST.

We gon' learn today. I know I sure did!

This vid was funny to me. I know you will be able to relate, with your OWN situation...and please...like, share, comment and subscribe...this can help SOMEbody. :)

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